ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ - Επανάληψη Κεφ. 2 Δ΄ Τάξης

Επανάληψη Κεφ. 2 Δ’ Τάξης

Να βάλεις στα κενά τις λέξεις που λείπουν

  1. Hello kids today is a ____ day for sports. Come __ John!
Let’s ____ football, I don’t _____ football, I ______ basketball.

  1. Give me a racket. I want to play ______. Give a horse to Peter. He prefers ____________. I want my bicycle. I like _______ but I ‘m to the sea. I like _________ give me a boat please. I like _______. Susan likes ________ mountains. I HATE IT.

  1. This is a letter from my pen ______ George tell me _____ him. OK he likes _______ books, __________ stamps and _________ to music.

  1. These days we are staying home. All my family likes playing _____ games. I sometimes wear my ballot shoes because I like ______. My sister goes for a walk because she likes ______ photos.my brother wants to buy a microphone because he likes _______. Sometime we go to the country because we like __________ tree leaves…. But I hate it. I prefer ______ clothes for my dolls. My big brother loves football so he likes collecting football cards. My mum has a great stamp __________. My grandpa and my grandma likes _________ TV.


  1. Give me a _____ I want watch a film.
  2. Give me a _______I want to play videogame.
  3. Give me a ________ I like cycling.
  4. Give me a ______ I want to play tennis.
  5. Give me a swimsuit, I like ________.
  6. Give me a ______/_____ _____, I like taking photos.
  7. Give me a _____/__ ______ I like listening to music.
  8. Give me a pair of ______ shoes, I like dancing.