ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ-Επαναληπτικές Ασκήσεις ΚΕΦ 4 Γ’ Τάξης

Επαναληπτικές Ασκήσεις ΚΕΦ 4 Γ’ Τάξης
Α. Να βάλετε στα κενά τις λέξεις που λείπουν
  1. My tummy is full but your tummy is empty.

  1. In the cellar there is bread and cheese and ham and yoghurt and salami. Come and have some… they are yummy.

  1. It’s time for lunch. Easel is licking his lips. Easel is having all the goodies Easel is eating lollipops, swat and cookies and she is fat.

  1. The right kind food is fruit and vegetables YES. You’re right.

  1. I’ m not fat, I’m thin and I’m out of here, thanks a million.

  1. For my toast I need bread and ham and cheese.

  1. Lettuce is a vegetable.

  1. The day of the week are seven (7)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday,

  1. I know some fruit: oranges, pears, apples, bananas, cherries, berries.

  1. Cole is eating salami. Cole is drinking water. Cole is not fat. Easel is fat and he can’t go through the hole. It is not a big hall it’s a small hole.
  1. Easel is fat. He is sad he is not happy

  1. Cole is a mole and Easel is a weasel

  1. Cole are are you eating? I’m eating lunch, my tummy is empty.

  1. I like my yoghurt with nuts and honey.

Β. Να βάλετε τα ρήματα των παρενθέσεων σε present continuous (ενεστώτας διαρκείας).

  1. I am eating (eat) sweets.

  1. Someone is comming (come).

  1. Mole is drinking (drink) milk.

  1. Easel is running (run) fast.

  1. The kids are reading (read) books

  1. You are sleeping (sleep)

  1. Mary is working (work) in a school.

  1. Tom is playing (play) with Billy.

C. Γράψε δίπλα στην κάθε ημέρα κάτι που τρως (όχι αλήθεια απαραίτητα) Ότι θέλεις.

1. MONDAY lettuce
2. TUESDAY ham and cheese and bread
3 WEDNSDAY bacon
5 FRIDAY cherries berries
6 SATARDAY sweet and cookies
7 SUNDAY yoghurt with

D. Υπογράμμισε τη λέξη που δεν έχει σχέση

  1. Eat, drink, run hole
  2. Lollipops, lettuce, sweets, cookies
  3. Chips, thin, fat, tall
  4. Cellar, house, garden, lunch